Ningxing Logo

The logo is composed of a red letter "S" deformed and virtualized blue space: red symbolizes enthusiasm and life; the "S" is shaped like the earth, which implies Ningxing's international strategic goals; the deep blue space symbolizes Ningxing’s sustainable management Space for development. The entire logo is in a strong color contrast, reflecting Ningxing's mind, majestic nature, self-transcendence, and infinite courage.

Cultural Character

Be pragmatic, truth-seeking, reasonable and trustworthy, tolerant of competition and cooperation, innovative and enterprising.

Ningxing Mission

Create a first-class value win-win platform.

Ningxing Purpose

Pursue excellence-to maximize the satisfaction of customers, employees, shareholders, and society.

Corporate Philosophy

Create, win and share together.

Ningxing Spirit

Honest, dedicated, enterprising, and united.

Ningxing Consciousness

Awareness of achievement, awareness of crisis, awareness of competition, awareness of self-discipline.

Ningxing Style

Bright, fast, precise and pragmatic.

Business philosophy

People-oriented, honesty, innovation and far-reaching.

Talent Concept

Have both ability and political integrity, meritocracy, knowledge of horse racing, and virtue of each other.

Competition Concept

Develop in competition and win-win in cooperation.

Brand Concept

Gain trust with quality and enhance value with brand.

Market Idea

There is no weak market, only positive innovation.

Service Philosophy

Customer first, fast in place.

Leadership Philosophy

Service, coordination, motivation, management, supervision and control.

Interpersonal Relationship

A big family of "respect, cooperation, sharing, and gratitude".

The motto of Ningxing People

There are no miracles in the world, only the power of concentration and focus.